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767 Working Group Issues Petition

12/15/2023 3:30 PM | Anonymous

At the second meeting of the 767 Working Group on December 11, the Community Outreach Committee decided it would create and circulate a petition for signatures in support of stopping the proposed development at 767 New Haw Creek Road. 

The petition targets the “Conditional Zoning” requested by the developer, which if approved by City Council would allow for 95 homes to be built on this 26-acre property—essentially doubling the number of homes allowed with the current zoning regulations.

Our goal is to demonstrate broad-based community opposition to help convince City Council members to vote against rezoning this property. Please sign the petition and take a few minutes to provide your feedback regarding future development in Haw Creek, an option that is available at the end of the petition.

HCCA has added the petition to our 767 Development web page and will use our social media accounts to maximize our outreach. The committee is planning additional outreach efforts, including door-to-door canvasing throughout the neighborhood.

This petition is an important step in our campaign to protect our neighborhood from a proposed high-density development plan.

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