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Haw Creek Chili Cook Off a Hit

10/29/2023 10:38 AM | Anonymous

HCCA's first-ever Chili Cook Off on October 24 was a success, with 12 chefs bringing their chilis and about 40 people in attendance, tasting and judging. There was a great mix of neighbors, from young families with kids to older residents, with a lot of new faces. 

The contest was informal and it looked like everyone was having fun. People voted for their top three choices and after the voting was complete, we awarded the top two chefs with gift cards from Chili’s that the restaurant had generously donated. We also raffled off a Black Haw bush, a native Haw Creek tree, and sponsored a bake sale so folks could indulge in a sweet treat.

This relaxed event provided plenty of time to chat with neighbors, new and old, while enjoying a diverse array of homemade chilis.

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