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Communications & Development Committee Notes


2023 Minutes
2022 Minutes


    7:10-8:40 pm

    Liz Polfus (Interim Chair), Christina Maggi, Chris Pelly, Bruce Black, Scott Clodfelter, Michael Harrison (via phone)

    Notes/Next Steps

    Discussed and established the following email protocol:
    •    Creation of emails will be separate from posting emails
    •    Liz will create a Google form that will accept attachments and photos
    •    The Google form will be accessible to HCCA board/volunteers to create a general email, news post or event listing
    •    Completed emails/posts will be sent to Chris, Christina, and Scott for (messaging and timing) approval (two of three signoffs required for uploading)
    •    After approval, Liz will send the email or add the news post or the event listing to the website and update the home page as needed

    The two currently scheduled events (yard sale and City Council meeting) are set up on the website

    Reviewed the status of website tasks and agreed to changes, which Michael/Liz will update on the shared “Website Punchlist” Google doc

    Discussed and agreed to hold on actively recruiting website volunteers

    Christina reported on fundraising year to date: $4,570 from 321 members, $2,755 in donations, $1,560 for the greenway, and $755 from events—$9,640 total income

    Christina will lead an effort to reactivate 80 overdue/lapsed members

    Next meeting date TBD

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